The Deal is sealed. Dragonfly buys out MetaStable.

The Deal is sealed. Dragonfly buys out MetaStable.

Even though the price is yet to go public but the deal is sealed, Metastable Capital, the OG crypto hedge fund is now owned by Dragonfly, one of the biggest venture capitals in crypto.

This deal opens up a whole new world for Dragonfly bringing its value to its all times high. Definitely was worth a shot.
Looking back, it's remarkable how by thinking big and getting in early they got to where they are today.
Dated from 2018, Dragonfly is already thinking about a complete rebranding of their name, their logo. Who would have thought.
It's worth mentioning that such a huge deal actually happened in the market that we are in today. Almost hyper inflated, frequently dipping and overall not looking like a good kind of market. Looks like someone is still looking on the bright side.
With that being said the beginning of 2022 did not look very good for crypto VC funding, falling by 26%, but it started gaining more deal offers regardless.

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