Hackers hacked into DFX Finance protocol and stole $4 million worth of cryptocurrency

Hackers hacked into DFX Finance protocol and stole $4 million worth of cryptocurrency


Hackers hacked into DFX Finance protocol and stole $4 million worth of cryptocurrency
Attackers withdrew 3 thousand Ethereum from the decentralized pool Curve

Hackers broke into the DFX Finance protocol and stole about $4 million worth of cryptocurrency, cybersecurity company PeckShield said. According to analysts, the attackers withdrew 3,000 ETH from the platform's decentralized pool on Curve on the Ethereum network, and the stolen funds were funneled into the Tornado Cash mixing service.

DFX Finance is a decentralized exchange protocol specializing in trading stackablecoins backed by fiat currencies (CADC, EURS, XSGD and others). Pools on Curve were created by the protocol to increase the liquidity of CADC and dfxCAD tokens.

After receiving notification of the attack and its confirmation, the DFX Finance team suspended operations within minutes. According to the team, its pools on the Polygon network were not affected by the hack.

In early November, the largest bitcoin options crypto exchange lost $28 million in a hacking attack. The company stressed that customer funds are safe, as the losses are compensated by reserves.


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